Design. Revision.

PROSTOR strives towards creating a development capable of responding to uncertain futures. We aim to make a balance between the general public requirements and he demands of the private sector for creating projects with maximum returns.

Through our planning services, we tend to shape developments in the cities, towns and rural areas which contribute to social, economic and environmental sustainability.

PROSTOR’s vast experience across the built environment makes us one of the leading companies in Macedonia in steering urban plans of all scales and details.

We are equipped with advanced technical support that ensures maximum efficinecy and accuracy in rendering planning documentation. For the same purpose, we have developed our own software for urban planning, which is customized according to the valid standards and regulations in the Republic of Macedonia.

Besides the urban planning, the one that relies on the premises of strategic regional planning, land-use and zoning, and the other that operates with the built form as the main city-building medium, through our study and research work we have recently gotten into the field of alternative model of planning - the instrumentality of the newly emerged landscape urbanism, orienting our interest towards the landscape as an uncompacted medium for city building with processual dimension.